- Werner, E. “Cancer’s Hidden Networks” Oxford Scientific Society, 23 May 2013. See it on YouTube.
- Werner, E. “Linking genomic sequence to organismal development”, Workshop on genotype-phenotype modelling, Research School in Systems Biology and Centre for Integrative Genetics (CIGENE), Norsk Landbruksmuseum, UMB Campus Ås, Norway, Oct. 12, 2012.
- Werner, E. “Local and Global Control in Development and Evolution”, Symposium on Data Intensive Biology: Why Google Won´t Replace Science, Konrad Lonrez Institute, Vienna, Austria, July 14, 2012.
- Werner, E. “Cancer Networks”, Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine WIMM, Oxford, April 26, 2012.
- Werner, E. “Developmental Control Networks in Ontogeny and Evolution”, Workshop on the Philosophy of Biology, All Souls College, Oxford, April 18, 2012.
- Werner, E. “Developmental Networks, Local and Global”, Conceptual Foundations of Systems Biology Workshop, BII Balliol Interdisciplinary Institute, Balliol College, March 20, 2012.
- Werner, E. “Stem Cell Networks: Frontiers of modeling and simulation”, Oxford Stem Cell Institute Annual Symposium, Oxford Stem Cell Institute, March 15, 2012.
- Werner, E. “Frontiers of Systems Biology”, Dept. of Zoology, University of Oxford, March 2, 2012.
- Werner, E. “Cracking the Code: Frontiers of Systems Biology”, DTC Doctoral Training Centre, University of Oxford, Feb 9, 2012.
- Werner, E. “Frontiers of Systems Biology”, DTC Doctoral Training Centre, University of Oxford, Oct 10, 2011.
- Werner, E. “Meaning in the Biological Universe”, Keynote Speaker, International Conference on Systems Biology, Edinburgh, Oct. 14, 2010, (Replaced Nobel laureate Sydney Brenner who could not attend).
- Werner, E. “Synthetic multi-cellular systems biology”, 33rd Steenbock Symposium: Synthetic Genes to Synthetic Life (in honor of Gobind Khorana), July 30-Aug2, 2009.
- Werner, E. “The complexity of ontogeny”, ENS Paris, July 25, 2009.
- Werner, E. “Understanding Cancer Using Computer Simulation of Multicellular Systems”, 2nd Paris Workshop on MAS in Biology at meso or macroscopic scales, LPNHE, Paris, France, June 23, 2009.
- Werner, E. “Systems Paleontology? or Can we understand the Cambrian Explosion in silico?”, Seminar at the Complex Systems Institute, École Normale Supérieure, Lyon, France, April 1, 2009.
- Werner, E. “How epi is epigenetics? or Where is the information for ontogeny and evolution?”, Colloquium: Genes and Environment: Darwin and Lamarck revisited, Maison Française, University of Oxford, March 13/14, 2009.
- Werner, E. “In silico ontogenesis and the evolution of complex multicellular life”, Symposium: Darwin’s Lost World – the Early History of Life and the Planet, Earth Sciences, University of Oxford, March 12, 2009.
- Werner, E. “What do genes mean?”, Oxford University Science Society, University of Oxford, April 25, 2007.
- Werner, E. “What do genes mean?” Cambridge University Science Society, University of Cambridge, Feb 27, 2007. Abstract
- Werner, E. “Communication and complexity limits in systems of social agents”, Complex Agent Based Dynamic Networks, Complex Adaptive Systems Group Seminars, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford,Feb 20, 2007.
- Werner, E. “What do genes mean?”, Seminar Series, Trinity College Science Society, University of Cambridge, Feb 8, 2007.Abstract
- Werner, E. “Net Based Pharmacodynamics May Change the Pharmaceutical Industry”, Abstract, International Conference Converging Sciences 2006, Trento, Italy, 16-17 October 2006.
- Werner, E. “Understanding Genomes by combining synthetic and multicellular systems biology”, Department of Biological Sciences, National University of Singapore, Singapore, June 9, 2006.
- Werner, E. “Genome semantics: A possible path to understanding by combining synthetic and systems biology”, Systems Biology Workshop – From single cells to environments, Plant Biotechnology Centre, Primary Industries Research Victoria, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia, May 23, 2006.
- Werner, E. “Integrating synthetic biology with systems biology to understand natural biological systems”, University of Oxford, Oxford, England, May 4, 2006.
- Werner, E. “A research paradigm for systems and natural biology: Integrating in vivo and in silico modeling methodologies for minimal multicellular systems in drug discovery” Abstract, Fifth European Workshop in Drug Design (VEWDD) May 29th – June, 05th, 2005, Certosa di Pontignano – Siena, Italy.
- Werner, E. “Systems biology top down”Abstract, Symposium on Systems Biology: A New Venue for Exploring Mechanisms of Developmental Toxicity, Society for Toxicology 43rd Annual Meeting, March 21-25, 2004. Society for Toxicology
- Werner, E. “Weeding out complex networks to find drug targets” [Abstract], SMi Conference: Predictive in Silico Models in Drug Discovery and Development, London, March 26-27, 2003.
- Werner, E., “Taking the minimal cell to the minimal organism”, World Drug Discovery Summit, Copenhagen, Denmark, Feb. 19, 2003.[Abstract],
- Werner, E., “In Silico Multicellular Biology and Genomics”[Abstract], CHI Beyond Genome In Silico Biology, San Diego, June 2002.
- Werner, E., “In Silico Multicellular Systems Biology”[Abstract], IBM BlueGene Conference (Systems Biology), Edinburgh, Scotland, March 2002.
- Werner, E., “The Web of Communication and Cooperation in Multi-Agent Systems” [Abstract], University of Edinburgh, Scotland, March 2002.
- Werner, E., “Bioinformatics and Systems Biology Seminar”, Oberseminar, University of Munich, Munich, Germany Summer Semester 2000.
- Werner, E., “Bioinformatics Tutorial”, Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany, Summer 2000
- Werner, E., “Globalization of the Genome”, University of Munich, Munich, Germany, Summer 2000
- Werner, E., “Ontogeny of the Social Self”, Keynote speaker, AAAI Symposium on Socially Intelligent Agents, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Boston, Mass, November 1997.
- Werner, E., “Computational Biology and the Genome”, Pharmatics’97, Tutorial, Philadelphia, PA, June 1997.
- Werner, E., “Evolution of Socially Intelligent Agents”, Invited speaker, MAAMAW97, Ronneby, Sweden, May 1997.
- Werner, E., “Overview of Distributed Artificial Intelligence”, University of Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden, June 1993.
- Werner, E., “The Logic of Plans with Simultaneous Actions”, invited talk, ECAI-92 Workshop, Beyond Sequential Planning, Vienna, Austria, August 1992.
- Werner, E., “The Self and the Social World: A Computational Theory of Social Development”, invited talk, Giornata di Lavoro su Intelligenza Artificiale Distribuita, CNR and ENEA sponsored Symposium, Rome, August 1992.
- Werner, E., “Ontogeny of the Social Self”, Symposium on Social Simulation, University of Surrey, United Kingdom, March 1992.
- Werner, E., “Generating Cooperative Behavior”, invited talk, University of Brisbane, Brisbane, Australia, March 1992.
- Werner, E., “Multi-Agent Planning and Uncertainty”, invited talk, Griffiths University, Brisbane, Australia, March 1992.
- Werner, E., “Planning and Uncertainty”, invited seminar, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, March 1992.
- Werner, E., “Generating Cooperative and Noncooperative Behavior”, talk, University of Melbourne, February 1992.
- Werner, E., “Introduction to Planning and Uncertainty”, invited talk, AAII, Australian Artificial Intelligence Institute, Melbourne, Australia, Feb. 1992.
- Werner, E., “Can Robots Become Social Beings?”, talk, AAII, Australian Artificial Intelligence Institute, Melbourne, Australia, Jan. 1992.
- Werner, E., “An Overview of DAI”, First Japanese Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems, Japan, Dec. 1991.
- Werner, E., “Generating Cooperative and Noncooperative Behavior”, invited talk, FRIENDS-91, Tokyo, Japan, November 1991.
- Werner, E., “Integrating Social Rationality with Communication and Cooperation in Multi-Agent Systems”, invited talk, FRIEND21 Workshop on Communication and Multi-Agents, Tokyo, Japan, November 1991.
- Werner, E., “What’s Distributed AI All About Anyway?”, invited talk, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, U.S.A., Oct. 1991.
- Werner, E., “Generating Cooperative Behavior”, invited talk, Workshop on Cooperative Knowledge Processing, Trento-Pergine, Italy, May 1991.
- Werner, E., “Planning and Uncertainty”, European Workshop on Planning, Bonn, Germany. Also, invited talk, UK Planning SIG, Cambridge, UK, April 1991.
- Werner, E., “The Logic of Plans”, invited talk, Essex University, Colchester, United Kingdom, Feb. 1991.
- Werner, E., “What Ants Cannot Do”, invited talk, IEE Colloquium on Intelligent Agents, Savoy Place, London, Feb. 1991.
- Werner, E., “Communication, Cooperation and Logic” An invited lecture series, Institute of Psychology CNR, National Research Council, Rome, Italy, Dec. 1990.
- Werner, E., “What Can Agents Do Together? A Semantics for Reasoning About Single and Multiagent Cooperative Ability”, ECAI-90, The 9th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Stockholm, Sweden, August, 1990.
- Werner, E., “A Unified View of Information, Intention and Ability”, MAAMAW-90, The Second European Workshop on Modeling Autonomous Agents in Multiagent Worlds, Saint-Quentin en Yvelines, France, August, 1990.
- Werner, E., “Making Systems Cooperative through Social Knowledge”, CKBS-90, A Working Conference On Cooperating Knowledge Based Systems, University of Keele, England, October, 1990.
- Werner, E., “Distributed Algorithms for Cooperating Agents”, DAI-90, the 10th International Workshop on Distributed Artificial Intelligence, Bandera, Texas, October, 1990.
- Werner, E., “Introduction to Research in Distributed AI”, invited talk to the Philosophers Table, Schwerin, East Germany, May 1990.
- Werner, E., “Verteilte Kooperationsalgorithmen”, talk to the Kuesten Informatik Meeting, Kloster Nuetschau, bei Bad Oldesloe, Germany, May 1990.
- Werner, E., “Communication and Cooperation: A New Perspective for Cognitive Science”, Invited Talk, Presented to the Cognitive Science Discussion Group, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, Oct. 1989.
- Werner, E., “Cooperation Algorithms”, Invited Speaker, First European Workshop on Distributed Artificial Intelligence, St. John’s College Cambridge, England, August 1989.
- Werner, E., “The Contract Net as a Social Structure”, presented to Oberseminar, Department of Computer Science, U. of Hamburg, Hamburg, January, 1989.
- Werner, E., “Communication and Organization in DAI”, Tutorial, Technical University of Berlin (TU-Berlin), Berlin, November, 1988.
- Werner, E., “A Unified View of Information, Intention, and Ability”, presented at GWAI-88, The German Workshop on Artificial Intelligence, Eringerfeld, West Germany, September, 1988.
- Werner, E., “A Formal Computational Semantics and Pragmatics of Speech Acts”, COLING-88, The 12th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Budapest, Hungary, August, 1988.
- Werner, E., “Social Intentions”, Panel on Interactions Among Intelligent Agents, ECAI-88, European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Munich, Germany, August, 1988.
- Werner, E., “Socializing Robots: A Theory of Communication and Social Structure for Distributed Artificial Intelligence”, presented at the 8th AAAI sponsored Workshop on Distributed Artificial Intelligence, Lake Arrowhead, California, May, 1988.
- Werner, E., “Toward a Theory of Communication and Cooperation for Multiagent Planning”, The Second Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Reasoning About Knowledge, Asilomar, California, March, 1988.
- Werner, E., “Situation Theory and Knowledge Representation”, Tutorial consisting of 3 long talks to KOGS(Cognitive Science Group), Department of Computer Science, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, June 1986.
- Werner, E., “Communication and Knowledge Representation”, Advanced Computational Methods Center, ACMC, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, November 1985.
- Werner, E., “A Society of Robots”, Computing Research Laboratory, CRL, University of New Mexico, Las Cruces, New Mexico, May 1985.
- Werner, E., “Knowledge Representation in Situation Semantics”, Montana Academy of Sciences, 45th Annual Meeting, at Montana College of Mineral Science and Technology, Butte, Montana, April 1985.
- Werner, E., “The Future of Robotics”, Keynote Address, Local Chapter of the Association of Computing Machinery, ACM, University of Montana, Missoula, Montana, May 1985.